Halloween On Central
Become a Sponsor

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Vendors use the Contact Us link to apply for a street location.

Halloween on Central is St. Pete’s largest car-free street event.
to create a family event filled with a parade of costumes and street performers and entertainment if we held it on, or close to Halloween.
In its first three years, Halloween on Central has
become St. Pete’s largest event that supports our local business districts, attracting over 100,000 people annually.
Located in St. Pete’s EDGE and Grand Central Districts, the event extends from MLK to 31st street along Central Avenue. 22 blocks are closed to cars and
motor vehicles from noon—5 pm on the Sunday before Halloween.
Attendees bike, walk, scoot, or take public transit to
this car-free event. It features music, trick-or-treat stops, and entertaining Halloween festivities for the whole family.
Non-Paid Media Exposure
From date announcement through October:
• Halloween on Central has over 100 story postings
• Postings include traditional media
(local print/digital publications, television, and radio)
+expansive influencer and social media coverage
• Collectively, the reach totals in the millions of impressions
*Website Traffic to HalloweenOnCentral.com typically exceeds 25,000 views in October alone
Incredible Attendance
Attendance in 2021
Attendance in 2022
Attendance in 2023

2023 Partners